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Hello, my name is Aharon Smith and I am the founder of this Blog. Soon to come, is the official site of the Innovent Department Store. This massive online skyscraper is a pretty cool place where you can find unique and innovative products designed by every day common folks.  Stay tuned for the ribbon cutting ceremony! 🙂

I chose “Think Outside the Box” as our title, for it is the theme of this blog. See, we are on a mission to help people become innoventers.  An innoventer is a person who can find solutions to world problems.  They are called by other words, such as producers, inventors, and innovators.  They seem to be a rare group of people that help lead humanity (hopefully) in the right direction.  It is as if they are born with these traits that revolutionize the world.

Hey my friends, I am here to let you in on a little secret…

everyone is an innoventor.

We are all born with these traits.  Don’t believe me?  I don’t blame you, for I didn’t believe it myself at first;

but I have some things for you to ponder on:  Next time you get a chance to be around children, I challenge you to observe them.

Watch the way that they react with each other, observe the way that they solve problems.   Do they not think outside the box?

Now remember that you were once a child.  Even though I did not know you, I am willing to bet that you saw the world as a magical and amazing place.  You saw things from many different angles, and allowed your imagination to take you away.

You have the spark of innoventiveship inside you, and just because it has been smothered by doubts and the conforming voices of the world does not mean it is not there.

Search within and find it. Embrace it.  Slowly build your confidence to let that spark lead you once again.   I beg you to do so, for the world is in desperate need of innoventors.  If you have not noticed, we are in the mix of amazing revolutions.  Things are changing on all fronts, from politics, economics, to even family life.  The world is plummeting exponentially forward and we need you to innovent us through the storm!

In “Think Outside the Box,” you will find articles regarding a plethora of subjects including philosophy, politics, science, business, and so forth.  Each article comes from a unique viewpoint and is designed to ignite that innoventive spark you have.

For those already on the path of innoventiveness, I say congratulations!  You have chosen a road that while scary at times, will give your life more meaning than you thought possible.  I invite you to contribute to this blog!  I would love to read your inspiring thoughts.

One more thing I want to talk about is comments.  One of the cool things about us humans is that we are diverse in our thoughts and opinions.  We all bring a different perspective to the table.

Comments left on this blog are to be respectful and tolerant.  No name calling! We are following the kindergarten rules here.  I highly encourage everyone to read  “People Who Disagree With You Are Not Stupid” by Stephen Palmer. I still read it from time to time, for the principles in that blog are profound.  In it, he talks about the value gained from leaving respectful comments.

Now, at the same time, I am not encouraging you to be a “wet noodle”.  If there is something that you disagree with in a discussion, by all means, let us know why!  Seeing things from different perspectives adds insight and wisdom.

So check this blog out.  I hope you enjoy your stay.  Also comments for improvement are greatly appreciated.  If you would like to leave one, email me at

-Aharon Smith