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I tend to cringe when I think of setting goals.  When I hear the word, my mind is filled with images of failed hopes from procrastination and a lack of self drive.

That seems to be the biggest enemy when it comes to achieving our goals:  PROCRASTINATION

I recently learned a simple acronym that is a sharp weapon in battling that ferocious foe:  It is to focus on the WIN, or What’s Important Now.

When setting goals, it is important to understand the why behind our goal; Why is it important to you?  Why are you motivated to do it?  What will you recieve from it?

Using the weapon of WIN is to prioritize your daily activities with relation to the why behind your goals.   It is to ask yourself:  What can I do today that will bring me the most results?

From a financial standpoint, the question can look like this:

“What can I do today that will bring me the biggest return on my investment?”

From a personal development standpoint, the question can look like this:

“What is the one thing I can focus on today that will make me a better person tomorrow?”

With using the simple strategy of WIN in your life, you can defeat procrastination and find the motivation to achieve your goals.  You will see dramatic changes take place in your life, and you will turn into the person that you want to be.

Do What’s Important Now, and WIN!!

Aharon Smith

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